Thursday, December 18, 2008

Do Svidaniyan (Russian for Good Bye)

Yes, it inspired a sweet little movie called 'Dasvidaniyan' in Hindi. A movie with the protagonist (of course a loser so far in his life) tries to live his life once he gets know that he is not going to live for a long time. Many such movies have come till date, but this one deserves a mention.

This movie is special just because of its simplicity, and a very natural treatment of the story. With no overload of drama/melodrama and with no ensemble of big stars, the director has made sure that the story gets narrated in a very light manner. Yet he brings out super performances from its characters. The movie doesn't become dull or boring anywhere, and does not get into any preaching mode. A story that had the potential to become heavy has been successfully kept light and warm. 

The performances of protagonist Vinay Pathak, and protagonist's mother 'Sarita Joshi' have been very natural and effective in the entire scheme of things. Go and watch it for yourself if you haven't watched it till now.

1 comment:

Jammy said...

Yep, nice movie. The best aspect of the movie is the optimistic flow of events in a tragic movie! Think about it, they don't even show the guy dying.